Wednesday, 27 May 2009

Dont feed me at the table!

My mummy says this could happen to me and I dont want it to so I just say NO to treats. (OK I'm fibbing but my mummy's strict).

Monday, 25 May 2009

Please Support Hungry Dogs

I have been googling with my wooglie paws and found this site and it's fun. It ask doggie related questions and no matter what answer you give they give food to needy dogs. Thats my kind of quiz!
I can find any question like "if it takes 5 dogs 2 hours to dig a hole, what time's dinner ?" but I think I will send it in as a suggestion .............

Sunday, 24 May 2009

Playing in the sun

I've been running around playing with my squeaky snowman/bone thingy having a right laugh this morning! What do you mean proper work? This is proper dog work!

Friday, 22 May 2009

Who am I again?

I am currently in a huff what with all the names I get called around this place. It's a wonder I can remember my proper name when I get called things like Oswald, Ossie, Woogle, Badger, Ozzikins, Oswald Dogwald, the Dogmeister (actually I quite like this one), Stinkles McPhee, Sir Woogsalot, and Hairy Dog.... It's almost enough to pack up my bones and bowl and move out! (well, OK, maybe not, I do get good food here.)